Ubuntu Documentation and UDS-M

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 6 20:21:05 UTC 2010

2010/4/6 David Planella <david.planella at ubuntu.com>:
> El dt 06 de 04 de 2010 a les 19:19 +0100, en/na Matthew East va
> escriure:
>> On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 5:22 PM, Kyle Nitzsche
>> <kyle.nitzsche at canonical.com> wrote:
>> > With UDS coming up, what sessions on Ubuntu documentation should there be?
>> Ordinarily, not many ubuntu-doc members make it to UDS. As a result we
>> don't tend to run sessions on documentation at UDS. That doesn't mean
>> that sessions shouldn't be run and topics discussed if enough people
>> are interested, just that it's not a safe way for us to take decisions
>> as a team.
>> However, most of the topics you've mentioned (possibly even the ones
>> which have been debated ad infinitum already on the list) are
>> deserving of discussion within the team, and I think the best way to
>> do so is to schedule one or more team meetings to discuss them either
>> late in this release cycle or early in the next one.
> I just wanted to add that UDS sessions can still be a good opportunity
> to discuss these, even if many doc team members cannot physically make
> it there. We've got IRC for the particular session projected in every
> UDS room and in addition sound from the rooms is also streamed.
> What I'm trying to say is that if the topics deserve a team meeting (or
> more than one), why not make such meetings coincide with UDS sessions
> for each topic? The only downsides I can see are that the sessions are
> during the week and on CEST time, but I'm not sure how much of an
> impediment these can be.

I like this idea.

I'll be attending UDS and if there are any doc sessions scheduled I
would make it a priority to attend.

Also, I know Benjamin Humphrey from -manual applied for sponsorship
and is interested in a session about collaboration possibilities (both
with -docs and -learning).

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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