possible collaboration...

adam hyde adam at flossmanuals.net
Mon Aug 10 17:25:34 UTC 2009


I have been subscribed to the Ubuntu doc list for quite some time now
and I have wondered about possible collaborations with FLOSS Manuals. 

We write free documentation on Free Software, and we do scheduled Book
Sprints on particular topics (about 1 a month).

I was wondering if there might be any way to collaborate on these
sprints? - but before I send an invitation I thought it is better first
to ask if there is anyone deeply embedded in the Ubuntu Doc team that
could talk to me about this off list.

Essentially, I dont want to draw energy away from your (great) project,
and so it would be good to first be able to talk to someone involved
with Ubuntu Docs about this..

Is there anyone that can write to me directly about this?
(adam at flossmanuals.net).

many thanks


Adam Hyde
Founder FLOSS Manuals
German mobile : + 49 15 2230 54563
Email : adam at flossmanuals.net
irc: irc.freenode.net #flossmanuals

"Free manuals for free software"

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