Why not enabling APT links in the Documentation??? (bis)

Andrew Sayers andrew-bugs.launchpad.net at pileofstuff.org
Tue Apr 7 10:31:27 UTC 2009

Matthew and Dougie,

I don't quite follow your argument - are you opposed to people that want 
to add pkgb.net links to pages, or just opposed to a change in policy 
towards requiring pkgb links?

I quite understand that changing policy twice in a short period could 
alienate documenters, but I don't see what harm it does if people are 
volunteering to improve the documentation, whatever the percentage 

If there's still some way of accessing the old search system, it would 
be trivial to search for every instance of "http://pkgb.net/", and 
replace it with "apt:".  Compare that with the amount of work involved 
in searching for every way of saying "install package X" in the English 
language :)

	- Andrew

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