Server Guide Proposal (LAMP/Tomcat/Scripting Languages)

Marc Kaplan ubuntu-doc at
Fri Sep 26 03:06:38 UTC 2008

<<Resending to CC Ubuntu Documentation Mailing List>>

> You can find the development version of the Server Guide here:
> The Apache section of the Server Guide is in need of some attention.  I'm
> not entirely sure about the process for deleting wiki pages, so others 
> can
> probably comment with more information.
I work on the WikiTeam and knowledgeable about our deletion process.  
The reason I sent this was because, while attempting to install my own 
LAMP server, I realized that the documents were all over the place.  So 
now I am trying to clean them up (ie- get them merged with the Server 
Guide).  What I would like to do is coordinate with writers familiar 
with these elements and confirm that all the information has been moved, 
cleaned up, and up-to-date on the Server Guides prior to tagging them 
for deletion.
To assist, the Server Guide Team, I have added the following notation to 
these pages/articles to prevent further edits/confusion and to let 
visitors know that the Server Guide exists:

'''Please do not make any edits to this article.  Its contents are 
currently under review and being merged with the ''Ubuntu Server 
Guide''.  To find the Ubuntu Server Guide related to your specific 
version, please go to:'''

''' and click on ''Ubuntu Server Guide'''''


After all the information has been moved, and I/we have confirmation 
that the information from these articles have been either moved to the 
Server Guide, or so outdated that they can be deleted, we simply have to 
add the following tag to the top of the article:


That will tell the Wiki Admin that they can delete the article, or 
redirect visitors to the most up-to-date Server Guide

I would greatly appreciate the assistance of the Server Guide Team on 
this merge/clean-up.


I was attempting to tag the following articles and found no "EDIT" link 
available: They appear to be related to MoinMoin:

Unfortunately, these articles will show up whenever someone does a 
search for "Apache" and could lead to some confusion during this process.

Can you please assist/offer suggestions so that we can direct visitors 
on these pages towards our Server Guides once they are updated instead, 
or somehow remove them from the search?

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