The Ubuntu OOBE Idea

Mike Edwards mikeua89 at
Wed Sep 24 02:48:42 UTC 2008


I think this is a great idea.  One of the things I was frustrated with as a
new Ubuntu user was, "what do I do now."  And I think having this screen to
let users know what apps are installed and how to get other apps will help

The screen needs to have an easy way to exit.  I hate the *Welcome* screen
in Windows XP, because it doesn't offer a one-click exit for those of us who
have installed it dozens of times.

This is definitely on the right track.

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 7:49 PM, Jonathan Judah Ben-Joseph
<jbenjos at>wrote:

> Hello folks,
> I have an idea for for an Ubuntu out of box experience. I wrote a blueprint
> for it here:
> Here is the general idea I am going for (not to scale!)
> _________________________________________
> |             |                         |
> |  ________   |   Welcome!              |
> |  |UBUNTU |  |   Ubuntu has been       |
> |  |LOGO   |  |   installed on your PC. |
> |  ---------  |                         |
> |             |                         |
> |             |   New to Ubuntu?        |
> |             |   Click here to get     |
> |             |   started.              |
> |_#1__________|_#2______________________|
> Quadrant #1 and #2 will be different colors.
> Any comments, suggestions?
> -Jonathan
> --
> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at

Mike Edwards
mikeua89 at
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