Overhaul of musicvideophotos

Phil Bull philbull at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 18:56:06 UTC 2008

Hi Matt,

On Fri, 2008-09-12 at 08:03 +0100, Matthew East wrote:
> It looks good to me. I think that in the audio section you have a
> couple of troubleshooting subsections which look like they belong in
> one of the other subsections because the content overlaps.
> So:
> 1. "How can I prevent CDs from playing when I insert them?" and "Song
> names/cover art are missing/wrong for some songs" should be within
> "Listen to audio files and CDs"
> 2. "My portable audio player does not recognize songs copied from
> Ubuntu" should be within "Use an iPod or other portable music player"
> 3. "My microphone does not work or is too quiet" should be within
> "Recording sounds".
> If you move those I think the section will be tidier and more intuitive.

Thanks for the feedback. I've made these changes (patch attached) and
plan to upload the patch in a day or two.

Thanks again,


Phil Bull
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