[Implemented] Wiki banners

Marc Kaplan technospam at mkaplan.com
Thu Sep 11 00:30:58 UTC 2008

I have attempted to start sorting through the articles/categories to 
develop a very, very, very basic outline to give us something to start 
working with:


If we can come to a consensus on this order, here is my thinking:

First, we go through the wiki and retag all articles to sort them by 

To that end, I would also like to propose a "Documentation Team" members 

On that page, members can be listed as working on either Official Docs, 
Wiki, Guides, or any combination therein.

Then we ask them to list their specialties if they have any, by the 
categories that we have agreed upon.

Then we can sort the team/members up by category, and maybe even 
subcategory to clean them up and organize the docs.

I know it sounds simple, but I doubt it will be that easy.  Am I crazy 
or might this work, or anything similar?

Marc K.

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