
Phil Bull philbull at
Tue Jun 24 16:16:38 UTC 2008

Hi Steven,

On Wed, 2008-06-18 at 20:41 -0400, Steven Elliott Jr wrote:
> My name is Steven Elliott and I am professional technical writer; I
> have been using Ubuntu for about one year now and love it. At work I
> use Windows and programs like FrameMaker, RoboHelp, Captivate and
> Word. I want to contribute to my favorite operating system and since I
> have vast experience writing technical documentation for
> software/help/user manuals, I thought that I would reach out to the
> documentation team and offer my services. I am currently using Hardy
> Heron and am quite impressed with it and am encouraging others to
> switch. In terms of where I'd like to start, well that's really up to
> you. I am happy to work on anything that needs working on whether it
> be help systems, software requirements, user manuals, etc., I've done
> it all. Please let me know how I can help.
> I also have experience programming in C, C++, Java, Python, and have
> extensive knowledge in HTML and XML.

Welcome to the team! Would you be interested in helping out with some of
the more technical items on our todo list? For example, there are a few
scripts that we use which could benefit from some small improvements
(the DocBook -> HTML converter springs to mind).

Failing that, there's always plenty to be done with the system



Phil Bull

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