Documentation mentoring programme - Chris Wallis

Adam Sommer asommer70 at
Wed Apr 30 18:22:31 UTC 2008


> I am a keen fan of Gnome desktop and would like to focus on end user
> desktop applications and well known server applications such as Apache -
> Bind - Squid. Stuff that would be used by a day to day Network
> Administrator. As a very frustrated Windows Administrator in my day to day
> life. I know very well that good documentation is one key of getting Linux
> into Enterprise environments (& keeping management happy ;) ). If I
> contribute in some little form for a Debian based distribution to get
> penetration into enterprise I will be a happy man and a much happier
> system administrator!
Do you have any interest in working on the Server Guide?  Here is a link to
the current guide [1[.  We are also gathering ideas for new sections to add
or update [2].  Particularly we're trying to focus on Samba documentation
for Intrepid, but if any of the other areas interest you, or you'd like to
document something that isn't listed, please feel free to contribute toward

Thanks for your interest and welcome aboard..


Party On,
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