Documentation mentoring programme - Chris Wallis

Chris Wallis linux at
Wed Apr 30 09:14:36 UTC 2008

Hi my name is Chris Wallis and I am based in Canberra Australia soon to be
Melbourne Australia. I am keen to start contributing to the documentation
of my favorite distribution and be more active in the open source
community as a whole. I would find the documentation mentoring programme a
good chance to learn and be active in the Ubuntu community.

As far as my history with Ubuntu goes. I had a mate who worked for
Canonical in the initial launch stages with contributions to GNU Arch and
Bazaa. I have seen the project grown from a straight Debian fork (First
public release) to it own entity.

I am a keen fan of Gnome desktop and would like to focus on end user
desktop applications and well known server applications such as Apache -
Bind - Squid. Stuff that would be used by a day to day Network
Administrator. As a very frustrated Windows Administrator in my day to day
life. I know very well that good documentation is one key of getting Linux
into Enterprise environments (& keeping management happy ;) ). If I
contribute in some little form for a Debian based distribution to get
penetration into enterprise I will be a happy man and a much happier
system administrator!

Anyhow congrats on the latest release by the way. Hope to hear from the
project soon in regards to the programme.


Chris Wallis
Canberra Australia
Mob:   +61 403 782 628
Email: chris.wallis at

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