Mentoring: patch for new entities

Milo Casagrande milo_casagrande at
Fri Jul 27 21:36:45 UTC 2007

Hi all...

I've uploaded a patch for one of the bug assigned to me. I've worked out
all the entities in the documents (I think I've checked them all...).

The only entity that I'm not really sure is the one named
"network-servers" that is "Paleces -> Network": documentation says to
"enter a server name..." to browse network, but trough that menu you
don't have to give server name and port number... it's from "Places ->
Connect to Server...", but with this youd don't browse network area...

The entity is in the internet.xml around line 360. Can somebody take a

The patch has been uploaded in the bug report:


Milo Casagrande <milo_casagrande at>
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