Mentoring: patch for new entities

Phil Bull philbull at
Fri Jul 27 21:47:51 UTC 2007

Hi Milo,

On Fri, 2007-07-27 at 23:36 +0200, Milo Casagrande wrote:
> Hi all...
> I've uploaded a patch for one of the bug assigned to me. I've worked out
> all the entities in the documents (I think I've checked them all...).
> The only entity that I'm not really sure is the one named
> "network-servers" that is "Paleces -> Network": documentation says to
> "enter a server name..." to browse network, but trough that menu you
> don't have to give server name and port number... it's from "Places ->
> Connect to Server...", but with this youd don't browse network area...
> The entity is in the internet.xml around line 360. Can somebody take a
> look?
> The patch has been uploaded in the bug report:

I'm reviewing your patch right now (it looks fantastic!), and I'll take
a look at the issue you mentioned in internet.xml too.

I'll probably be finished reviewing your patch in 30 minutes or so.



Phil Bull

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