
Jonathan Jesse jjesse at
Fri Jul 27 02:12:41 UTC 2007

On Thursday 26 July 2007 22:09:09 Samir Faci wrote:
> I'm curious about how this works...
> I know there are several FLOSS projects around, KDE, gnome, gimp, apache,,
> whatever.. <insert favorite FLOSS project>.  Now, does this effort help doc
> the particular projects, or is it mostly ubuntu specific doc?
> oh yeah.. been lurking around so I should introduce myself for those that
> don't know me.
> I'm Samir, I'm in Chicago.. and I've ran/run various LUGs since I graduated
> college in 2003... helped organized flourishconf, (which it seems will
> become a yearly event if you're the chicago area.. ) sorry, shamless plug.
> oh yeah.. I'm planning on using doxygen at work.. so figured since I'll
> learn the tool, I might as well see where else I can apply it.
> I've mostly documents code and written small howtos, here and there.
> --
> Samir

Right now the Ubuntu doc team focuses on Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Edubuntu 
documentation.  We try as often as possible to link to the upstream 
documentation within the system documentation.  For example in the kubuntu 
system documetnation under Desktop Customization we link to the section in 
Chapter 12 of the KDE book: Customizing the Appearance of your KDE Desktop.  
I know that Rich (nixternal) and I spend a lot of time also working on 
upstream docs to help fill the downstream holes as much as possible.  
Example: Speedcrunch and Keep are both lacking documents and I am currently 
finishing both of them.

Does that make sense on how things go?

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