
Milo Casagrande milo_casagrande at
Mon Jul 23 19:59:30 UTC 2007

Il giorno lun, 23/07/2007 alle 18.53 +0100, Phil Bull ha scritto:
> Hi guys,


> I'd really like to go ahead with this 'mentoring' idea. I've created an
> info page on the wiki [1] and I've also made a pitiful attempt at
> writing an announcement [2] to go on the Fridge or somewhere if we want
> to publicise this.
> I have a few questions:
>  * Is anyone else interested in mentoring someone? I think that I can
> mentor 3-4 people

I cannot mentor... but I would like to be mentored!

As I said a couple of mail back I'm working on a little doc to help use
gparted for creating a partition on a hard disk (Windows help has
something... so we need to have that too!). This was rised by an Italian
user as gparted doesn't have its own documentation (at least not from
the program).

Is it possible to insert this in the projects' table?

>  * When should we start, if at all?
>  * Can anyone think of a catchier name than 'Documentation Team
> Mentoring Programme'?

"DocTeam Jedi Course" :)

Just kidding! :)


Milo Casagrande <milo_casagrande at>
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