reorganisation of directories

Rich Johnson nixternal at
Sat Jan 27 15:42:02 UTC 2007

On Saturday 27 January 2007, Matthew East wrote:
| Hi,
| Although I thought our directory structure was going to work better than
| the one we've used in previous releases, it turns out that it won't, and
| translating the documentation would have been much more difficult.
| So I've moved things back to the old structure.
| Example:
| trunk/ubuntu/C/internet/internet.xml is now at
| trunk/ubuntu/internet/C/internet.xml

I just did the same for the Kubuntu side and redid the Makefile so it builds 

| The consequence of this (unfortunately) is that we have lots of broken
| links that need to be fixed. This should be relatively easy with sed or
| find/replace, but first we need to decide upon which technique to use to
| link between documents.
| I think the best way to do this is to use the GNOME/KDE help system links.
| So for example, in GNOME:
| <ulink type=“help” url=“ghelp://internet?wireless”>link text</ulink>

<ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/$$doc/%">link text</ulink>

| The alternative would be to do something clever with a ⟨ entity in
| the link urls, which I'm not so keen on.

The only thing I do no like about the linking above is that when it is built 
for the links will be broken. We could just build out 
PDFs for the website?

| Any thoughts?

Definitely makes it easier for translations. The whole <article> thing and the 
way we have to do linking is annoying and seems rather hackish. I think I see 
now why the Mallard Project is creating a different wheel for that project as 
I can see how DocBook lacks in this aspect. Our links will work with system 
docs, but they will not work online. This I really don't like.

Rich Johnson
nixternal at
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