xubuntu documentation

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 23 14:42:11 UTC 2007

On Tue, January 23, 2007 3:33 pm, Luzius Thoeny wrote:
> In fact, looking at the release schedule for feisty
> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule), and knowing that
> "documentation string freeze" will be about a month before "string
> freeze", I'd say "documentation string freeze" will be  somwhere around
> the middle of february. so please only start the restructuring if you
> are *sure* that you can finish it by mid-february.

Just to clarify, documentation string freeze is the same as "string
freeze". Ideally, it would be slightly after, but that's the approach
taken for this release.

> otherwise, i'd say we
> keep to the initial idea of updating "xubuntu desktop guide"  for
> feisty, and do the  "topic based help" stuff later (that way, we can
> also sit back and watch how things turn out for ubuntu, and learn from
> their transition).

I think that might be the wiser option, myself, but I'm pleased to see
enthusiasm for Xubuntu documentation!

One achievable target to consider seriously would be beginning to
integrate upstream xfce documentation.

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