Jonathan Jesse
jjesse at
Fri Feb 16 14:08:38 UTC 2007
> On Sat, 2007-02-17 at 00:11 +1300, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> ...
>> <title>New Features Since 6.10</title>
> I think the appropriate place for marketing new features in themselves
> is on the Web site. In the help, I think the "What's new since Ubuntu
> 6.10" page should instead concentrate on advising those people who have
> just upgraded from 6.10 *what they need to do differently* when using
> 7.04.
> This includes:
> * any changes in the menu layout (e.g. "most of the Preferences and
> Administration panels are now found in the Control Center window,
> rather than in the menus")
> * any non-trivial changes to the default application set
> * any major changes to individual default applications, if those
> changes require relearning (e.g. major UI changes)
> * anything substantial that people used to need to do but don't need
> to do any more.
> New features might be worth mentioning, but only if they are likely to
> cause people who were using Ubuntu 6.10 to start using a particular
> program in 7.04 when they weren't using it in 6.10.
> ...
> I realize quite a few of these questions are annoying ones that may
> require poring through changelogs, and/or annoying developers on IRC or
> by e-mail or phone. But I really think that the usefulness of this page
> will be dependent on how well it has been translated into explanations
> of changes that upgraders really need to know about.
> You may well find that once changes that don't fit this criterion have
> been removed, the remainder can be a single <itemizedlist> instead of
> lots of <sect1>s.
> Thanks again
> WOW. Tons of thoughtful suggestions. But...
> I disagree with the premise that this page "should instead concentrate on
> advising those people who have just upgraded from 6.10 *what they need to
> do
> differently* when using 7.04." I feel this page would be best suited to
> introduce (some would called market) relevant changes between Edgy and
> Feisty. It is correct that this is just a start and I see many if not all
> items linked deeper in the help to fuller explanations as to "*what they
> need to do differently*" which is not the function of this page. I don't
> want to be the arbiter of what the user thinks are the relevant changes.
> This list comes straight from
> If this page was to include "*what they need to do differently*" is would
> be
> huge and duplicate many other relevant sections of the help system. I'll
> address each suggestion (some great, some confused in my opinion) in a
> separate email once we get past what the premise of this page is. I'm
> confused because Matthew first disagrees with the premise of the page then
> goes on to suggest edits for each section. If I have the premise
> completely
> wrong then throw the whole thing out and start over.
> What do others think?
> Will
> ---
> Moscow, Idaho
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Isn't what's new supposed to be covered in the release notes?
Jonathan Jesse
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