diff for switching guide

Andreas Lloyd lloydinho at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 21:21:02 UTC 2006


Neil Robinson wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> On Mon, 2006-09-11 at 00:23 +0100, Phil Bull wrote:
> <snip>
>> DocString Freeze is almost upon us (Thursday 14th Sept.), 
> Gah! That's soon. Guess I've got enthusiastic about helping out a little
> late for edgy.

Indeed doc string freeze is very nearly here, and as you can see above,
Don has made a patch for the Yelp front page to sort out the current
list of documents available. As you can see, the switching guide is not
in there at the moment, as it doesn't look that close to being finished,
and I would just like to hear from you whether you're still expecting to
be able to finish the Switching Guide for inclusion before the freeze?

If so, we need to add another entry to the patch, and I'd like to know
about this a bit in advance since I'm not too familiar with the
packaging procedure.




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