Contribute To Ubuntu doc corrections

Malcolm malcolm.parsons at
Fri Oct 20 21:34:26 UTC 2006

The attached patch fixes some grammar errors in the Contribute To Ubuntu doc.

I'm not sure if "a MOTU" or "an MOTU" is correct, how do you pronounce "MOTU"?

"here" isn't a link:

       You can download the Ubuntu development version here.

This sentence is incomplete:

       <para>Once you have gained experience with packaging tasks
       (for example, by playing an active role in the MOTU team),
       you will be able to move from a universe-only maintainer to
       an Ubuntu core developer by .</para>

The Idea Pool is not used by developers.

         Before each new release cycle is
         initiated, the developers go through the Idea Pool and
         bring up any ideas that they like.</para>

Malcolm Parsons
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