Using CGI's

Sebastian Heinlein - glatzor liste at
Mon May 29 20:41:46 UTC 2006

Am Montag, den 29.05.2006, 16:16 -0400 schrieb Rex Guinn:
> Hi all;
> I have been trying to install a BLOG on my local machine just to test it
> out and see if I would like it on my server. It has a lot of cgi
> scripts. How do I get these to be recognized. I am running Ubuntu 5.1 -
> Apache2 - MySql and PHP5.  I have looked at the apache2.conf file and
> made sure the cgi was not commented out. I think it should work as long
> as it has a .cgi extension from my /var/www/mt directory. The
> permissions are set correctly as is ownership. I used chown -R 33:33 for
> the mt directory. and all the .cgi files are -rwxr-xr-x   1 www-data
> www-data.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks
> Rex

Sorry Rex, this list is about writing documentation for Ubuntu and not
support. Please respect that you perhaps won't get an answer here.

But take a look at this:

It is the server guide for the upcoming Ubuntu release but could also
help you.



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