fliers to accompany cds

Melissa Draper melissa at meldraweb.com
Tue May 30 09:58:17 UTC 2006


First off, let me apologise for the cross-post to those receiving both 
doc and marketing lists.

I've written a couple of fliers (one for ubuntu and one for kubuntu) for 
distributing with CDs. My intention is for the fliers to be printed out 
for sending with cds, rather than to be distributed to the target 
audience in digital format. You can find them at 

My plan for local distribution for Dapper is to place piles of the 
(preferably) pressed CDs in strategic places around the area I live, for 
the unwashed masses to see and take as they wish. From discussions on 
the ubuntu IRC channels, this seems to be a common concept.

One of the issues I (and others) noted with the above-mentioned 
distribution method, was that although people might come across the CDs, 
they may not really have an idea of what they are, what to do with them, 
how to get started or where to turn to if they get stuck. The fliers 
should bridge that problem in alot of cases.

Feel free to offer suggestions about the textual content of the fliers, 
and by all means, translate them. If we could get a collection of 
translations together, they could probably do well with a home on the wiki.


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