Proposal: Move FrontPage to Welcome

t u towsonu2003 at
Wed May 10 03:44:23 UTC 2006


I would like to propose moving the FrontPage wiki page to Welcome wiki
page. The current condition of the is a little
unprofessional (or maybe.. rather not very "familiar"). Users would
expect to see a "Welcome" title instead of a "FrontPage" title, which
makes the wiki look like it is not finished yet. This has been bugging
me for a while now.

I know that "Welcome" isn't a good wiki page name. So I already
created the and propose to redirect FrontPage
to Welcome. This way, the rest of the wiki will not need an update,
and users can still give "FrontPage" as the link to the main page.

I didnot subscribe to the ubuntu-doc list and will be monitoring the
archive instead (cannot manage mail volume). So please expect delays
from me to reply to any messages.

To redirect FrontPage, simply delete all content and replace it with:


Thank you in advance for considering my proposal,



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