[Fwd: Re: Some Discussions on the goal/direction of the official Ubuntu Book]
Jonathan Jesse
jjesse at iserv.net
Tue May 9 19:57:30 UTC 2006
> I can totally understand this use of "Official". My issue has not
> been so much the use of the word "offical" but the lack of inclusion
> of the doc team as a whole. I haven't been with the doc team all that
> long so feel free to correct me here. We are "the" Ubuntu
> Documenation Team and yet I have seen nothing on the mailing list
> about this book until now. It has always been offhand IRC chat or
> asking specific questions of the authors (and most of the time they
> aren't sure either). I can understand that the publishing world
> isn't "open source" like the Ubuntu community but as far as I can
> tell, no one asked the doc team how the relationship between the
> Official Ubuntu Book and the online documentation is supposed to go,
> no one asked the doc team (as a whole) for feedback or suggestions,
> and no one has given the doc team any way of reacting to the book. I
> would be glad to be corrected here. This could be just because I
> wasn't in the loop personally. I can totally understand that as I
> haven't touched the Desktop Guides and I doubt the Packaging Guide is
> within the scope of the book, but I really haven't seen anything on
> this mailing list and I really think there should be discussion
> here. We are past string freeze and yet we have not seen even a table
> of contents for the book. We will have to wait until the book is
> published and then go through and see if we need any changes or
> possibly send suggestions for the book and we will have to do that in
> Edgy instead of Dapper. Oh well, I guess. Better late than never.
One thing that might help put you at ease is the amount of technical
review that has been given to the book. Speaking only of the Kubuntu
chapter, I had 4 people review my document that was requested by Pretince
Hall and then I even sent my chapter to Riddell several times for fact
checking. I think there will be little that will need to change post
release due to the amount of follow up that has been given.
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