book content in dapper

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at
Mon May 8 08:35:07 UTC 2006

On 5/8/06, Jane Silber <jane.silber at> wrote:
> I'm not sure where/how it is best to include this material.  It should
> be some place relatively discoverable (in a menu? in ExampleContent?
> both?)  Matt Zimmerman has asked if you all can suggest a way to do this
> and include a placeholder now so that we can drop in the final content
> as soon as we get it.

I would suggest to have it linked from both the firefox startpage (on
the upper right corner as link box or something that yells "this are
some chapters from the official book") and Yelp frontpage itself,
although the Yelp frontpage is already crowded. From  Kubuntu, I don't
see this as an issue in KHelpCenter since it can be easily created as
a node and the document tree is always visible.

Jerome Gotangco
jgotangco at | jgotangco at
Mobile: +639196555242
GPG: 0xA97B69A0

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