SVN commit/LP questions

Matthew East mdke at
Wed Mar 1 09:51:10 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-03-01 at 01:44 -0800, Brian Burger wrote:
> First of all, commits by "yh728" are actually from me, before people
> start wondering...
> Turns out that Launchpad thinks this is my name; it got it from my
> previous email address, and I'd nearly forgotten that my LP page is
> still at

> Matt - or anyone else - is there an easy way to get this LP ID changed
> to something sensible (bburger, say, or madpilot) without breaking my
> SVN access and everything else?

You can easily change your launchpad ID under "Edit Personal Details",
this will not affect your SVN access, which will still be under the same
username. There is no link between Launchpad and the SVN server. It
might affect your mail redirect though.

mdke at
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