Firefox AMD64 Flash Java

Kilz _ kilzzz at
Mon Jun 19 15:57:45 UTC 2006

Hi Document team.
I am a amd64 Dapper user. I will probably remove myself from this list at 
the end of this question. But I had no other way of contacting anyone on 
your team. A few weeks ago I wrote a similar question that never made it to 
this list because I wasn't subscribed to it.
Well on to the question, and the question is what can we do to restore the 
"FirefoxAMD64FlashJava" howto for 64 bit users? It seems Cory Burger on the 
document team wants it gone. It was deleted and is now forwarded to the java 
page. This has happened twice.
The page is a howto for 64 bit users to setup 32 bit Firefox on an 64 bit 
system. The page that refers to it on the forum has 16,893 hits. The reason? 
64 bit firefox doesn't have a working flash or java plugin so users have had 
to make a work around.
The page the "FirefoxAMD64FlashJava" page is now sent to , the "java" page 
has no setup instructions for flash or firefox. It doesn't help people with 
a 64 bit system do what the orignal howto did. I personally have referred a 
lot of people to the "FirefoxAMD64FlashJava" page, and have used the 
information myself. Its needed.
Is it possible to restore it, or make another howto that gives the 
information? If it contains dated information, can it just be updated? 
Because until its possible to install the 32 bit version with synaptic or 
other methods on a 64 bit system the howto is needed.
Here is a link in case you need to see what page im refering to.


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