About Devhelp in #3

Jordan Mantha mantha at chem.unr.edu
Thu Jun 22 08:54:06 UTC 2006

I think they are added when you install the -doc packages for what your
wanting. I'm not sure if there is a list of packages that are available
for devhelp. I think the difference between breezy and dapper versions
of devhelp is that the docs were in separate devhelp packages but are
now integrated into devhelp itself or the individual -doc packages. I
could be wrong on that though. I do have pygtk docs for example.

-Jordan Mantha

* can3p <demon at krasno.ru> [2006-06-19 12:30:17]:

> Hello.
> In the issue #3 of UWN there was an article about program DevHelp.
> And you wrote, that "In addition to the documentation available via Devhelp by 
> default you can install more documentation". 
> I've searched in the repos, but there is no documentation in dev help format for
> dapper, such packages exist only for breezy.
> Am I looking in a wrong place? Where can I find Gtk+ or Gnome 
> documentation in devhelp format for dapper?
> ----
> 	can3p, demon at krasno.ru

> -- 
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