Proposal to donate the writing of an ebook/book

Matthew East mdke at
Mon Jan 30 08:15:55 UTC 2006

Wooo! another lawyer!

On Sun, 2006-01-29 at 21:18 -0500, Michael Steinberg wrote:
> I've found the documentation useful myself--including the Desktop 
> Starter Guide--but I was thinking of a different audience. I couldn't 
> possibly give even the starter guide to my father, the judge I used to 
> work for, or to the guys at Poor People United and expect them to make 
> sense of it.

Then it's not working properly :) The new version may be slightly better
in that respect, although it may be that it is still not right for the
audience you are looking at.

Check out and see the Desktop Guide.

> I am thinking of something that was really truly for 
> beginners, that would be expansive in prose rather than telegraphic, 
> would be friendly in tone and would walk them through things with 
> screenshots and the like. There are an astoundingly large number of 
> beginners out there who are totally stumped by computers; I seem to 
> know lots of them.
> The pdf'd sample chapter is about 345K; that may be a better way of 
> explaining the idea. But I'll wait for an invite with a file that 
> large.

Yes, I think this sort of thing is different in approach to our current
guides. Feel free to post a link to the sample chapter (you can post it
on the wiki if you like). You'd be welcome to include your project in
our repository, although this would carry with it the condition it opens
it up for contribution to a few more people.

It may be that once you see the DesktopGuide you would like to write
something complementary, which doesn't overlap. I think that would also
be a really nice idea. Of course, you are also free to contribute to
that guide as well.

Thanks for your interest,

mdke at
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