Sec=Unclassified RE: Proposal to donate the writing of an ebook/book
Michael Steinberg
mlstein at
Mon Jan 30 02:18:50 UTC 2006
I've found the documentation useful myself--including the Desktop
Starter Guide--but I was thinking of a different audience. I couldn't
possibly give even the starter guide to my father, the judge I used to
work for, or to the guys at Poor People United and expect them to make
sense of it. I am thinking of something that was really truly for
beginners, that would be expansive in prose rather than telegraphic,
would be friendly in tone and would walk them through things with
screenshots and the like. There are an astoundingly large number of
beginners out there who are totally stumped by computers; I seem to
know lots of them.
The pdf'd sample chapter is about 345K; that may be a better way of
explaining the idea. But I'll wait for an invite with a file that
Thanks, though, for warning me off writing about Automatx; it's a good
cautionary note.
Michael Steinberg
On Jan 29, 2006, at 8:22 PM, Stoffers, Robert LAC wrote:
> Ubuntu already has a book like this, although its in xml form (nothing
> stopping it being a ebook or whatever else), which I wrote for the
> Breezy Badger release. Maybe you would like to contribute to this
> instead, its in need of new writers right now. I'll leave it to others
> to fill you in on the details of doing so.
> Also, some things like Automatrix and Easy Ubuntu are bad even for the
> new users. What is gained by the ease of such tools is lost when it
> breaks their systems, leaving the user with a bad after taste of
> Linux.
> Regards,
> Robert Stoffers
> (author/ex-maintainer of the Ubuntu Desktop Guide)
Michael Steinberg
109 Rutgers Street
Rochester, New York 14607-2840
(585) 242-0538 (h) (585) 295-8544 (o) (585) 298-9323 (fax)
I like people, but I don't have very much in common with them.
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