(mini-) howto migrate from Windows Xp to Ubuntu

Koen Noens koen.noens at telenet.be
Mon Aug 28 22:00:04 UTC 2006

Hey there,

I migrated from Windows XP to Ubuntu (Dapper) some 2 weeks ago. Finally 
took the plunge, as I have been playing with Debian for quite a while, 
but exclusively for (home network) server and firewall. I didn't believe 
I could live with Linux on a desktop : too many bad experiences to get 
Xserver going on hardware I collect from 2nd hand shops and flee markets 
(configuring X with no-brand video cards or obscure chips on the 
motherboard used to be a mayor pain), and then there was my (perceived) 
dependency on Windows apps.

Ubuntu showed me wrong on both counts. The Live CD ran effortlessly on 
this machine that was decommissioned by a previous employer of mine (and 
I happened to be around so they me me have it), and Ubuntu offers a 
nice, clean collection of all software I need. So I just went ahead and 
installed it, and I don't think I'll go back to windows (except  to test 
stuff for work, maybe)

All this to say that I think you've done a great job, && thanks

So, while I was at it, I took some notes on how to deal with the actual 
migration. The Ubuntu developers clearly dealt with installation and 
configuration very well, but there remains the issue of gigabytes of 
files, email, preferences, bookmarks/favorites collected during years of 
windows use. Would be hard to start from scratch or having to maintain 2 
systems (multiboot) just for that, so i thought I'd create a migration 
path. Worked out quite well, I think, so if that is not yet included in 
any of the documentation (I didn't check), and you think it's useful, 
feel free to use it .
Free of charge - but being credited for the contribution would be nice :-)

it's here:

all the best,
Koen Noens

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