test book

Matthew East mdke at
Sun Apr 30 10:35:40 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-29 at 18:27 -0700, Jordan Mantha wrote:
> * The cover:

Ok, Brian has sorted these :)

> * The admonition icons need some serious help. I know this is in the
>   works so I won't say to much other than they are really pixelated.

Well, I don't really know what to do about these. The problem might be
that fop is resizing the images when printing the pdf, so I'll have a
look at this and see if I can figure out what is going wrong. If anyone
else can see the problem, tell me!

> * The margins seem good. There are a couple places were some of the wide
>   <screen> sections go pretty wide but that is probably more a problem
>   with the packaging guide than the others.

I'll take a look at this.

> * The internal cross references have a bracket with the page number (
>   e.g. [18]). I was initially confused (Matthew had to tell me, stupid
>   scientist that I am) by what they meant as I don't think that is
>   mentioned in the conventions. Is this standard or can we make it a
>   little clearer?

I'm fairly certain that it should be possible to insert a "page" before
that. I tried it before and it didn't work, but it _should_ be possible.

> * We need to be careful with external URL's because they are shown
>   inline. If there are shorter versions available (Malone for example)
>   we might want to use those. I even noticed one of my URL's didn't have
>   the http:// :(

How many of these are there? Do you want to fix it quickly?

> * I found several little mistakes and perhaps places where I lost an
>   <emphasis> or <filename> perhaps (if it isn't from the xml -> pdf
>   conversion). I found the print version nice for proofreading, which is
>   sort of bad because it is the last step in our process.

Again, if there aren't too many, it would probably be reasonable to fix
these and upload new translations. I don't thing it's from the pdf

> Overall, I really think this is a great idea and lulu did a great job.
> The size is nice and the font is good, thanks for all your work Matthew.
> If anybody has more questions or wants a picture or something, just let
> me know.

Yeah, picture! :)

mdke at
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