improving scope of (Ubuntu) documentation for Dapper

Matthew East matthew.east at
Wed Oct 26 09:11:07 UTC 2005

Hi all,

Just wanted to start some thoughts going about work for Dapper,
especially with regard to the Ubuntu user guide. I have made a page for
brainstorming at

Basically, I think there are some unresolved questions about the scope
of the FAQ/Starter guide and the Userguide, which we need to sort out
before very long.

It is pretty obvious that the faqguide and userguide address overlapping
areas, and it is equally obvious that it is undesirable for users to
have to look in two documents to answer a question. So, in my mind, the
choice is between:

1. Making a definable and obvious division between the Starter Guide and
the Userguide
2. Abandoning the userguide completely
3. Abandoning the userguide in principle, but incorporating some more
explanatory and introductory sections in the Starter Guide.

My preference is 3, because I think 1 is too difficult, and I think 3
can be achieved without sacrificing the clarity and accessibility of the
Starter Guide.


matthew.east at
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