Wiki - Forum love

Matthew East mdke at
Mon Oct 17 14:35:52 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 07:19 -0700, Mathew D. Watson wrote:
> Matthew East wrote:
> [snip]
> > 
> > Now we believe a further effort is needed. My idea was to make the
> > following pages a clear guide to aid people from the forum to post
> > material on the wiki in a wiki that is not going to cause disruption
> > with the current scheme:
> > 
> >
> >
> > 
> Great! I just subscribed to this list so I could ask where to put some 
> of what I learned from the forums. Talk about instant gratification. :-)
> Having a work area like this is an excellent idea. I was struggling with 
> how to edit the wiki in steps (as I work through and check what I'm 
> writing) and then place the document where it fits best into the 
> UserDocumentation.
> I visited the /forum page and immediately ran into a problem. I'm 
> planning to work on a page about "using ssl with apache2", which will go 
> on page /forum/server/apache2/SSL. However, /forum/server contains one 
> big howto about Postfix. There's no room for anything else now, at least 
> nothing that can be found. 8^(
> Ah! I can probably add some page links above that posting.
> /apache2, /zope, ...
> That'll give me some room to work in. Wow! Editing these pages is kind 
> of scary at first, but it's pretty easy once you've done it.
> I've got to run, but later I'll start fleshing out the pages I just added.
> Thanks for setting this up.
> Mat

Hi Mat, and thanks for your feedback. Another thing we really need to
work on is a guide to editing the wiki, which is simpler than the ones
to be found at HelpOnEditing. Hopefully someone in the wikiteam will
have time for this soon. It might even be encorporated into

As for the problems you've had on the /forum area, this was caused by
some unfortunate rearranging done recently, please feel free to tidy
things up and sort things into subpages (you can move the postfix stuff
for example)!!

Thanks again,

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