proposal for our repository structure post-breezy

George Deka george.deka at
Mon Oct 17 13:39:35 UTC 2005

I think we need to stay docbook, that way we have a choice in which
format we publish, which was critical this release.

Moin cannot handle docbook - so No from me

moving to gnome-doc-utils has its upsides such as importing the gnome
docs and making mods should theoretically be easier.
I for one would love to take the gnome guide and bring it back up to
scratch, however time is my issue.

BTW: Being in Australia makes getting to the doc meetings very hard,
so i try voice myself here

On 17/10/05, Matthew East <mdke at> wrote:
> I've tentatively put the following proposal up for issue at the next
> docteam agenda, basically because we really need a simpler and effective
> build structure in order to get l10n working more easily for next
> release. We've done a whole lot of stuff manually in this release, which
> has been a pain.
> I've noticed some comments on that page already by mhz. I'm not
> particularly convinced about using Moin for translations, but then
> again, I haven't seen any arguments in favour yet. Perhaps this thread
> will be a good place to start.
> The advantages of using rosetta and gnome-doc-utils build system would
> be, as I see them (the following are not necessarily discreet points):
> (a) The rest of Ubuntu is using Rosetta and it is a closely-related
> project to Ubuntu
> (b) Ubuntu translators are already using rosetta so putting docs in
> there will attract them to help, rather than make them use two different
> tools
> (b) Gnome-doc-utils is a tried and tested tool and is used for all gnome
> documentation
> (c) We used gnome-doc-utils for generating translated xml this release
> (d) Ubuntu uses and has a close relationship to Gnome
> (e) Gnome documentation and Ubuntu documentation need to get closer
> together
> (f) Ubuntu documentation as published in ubuntu-docs basically follows
> the gnome doc packaging layout (afaik) in order to be compatible with
> yelp.
> As far as I can see, the Moin xml work is still pretty raw, whereas the
> gnome doc guys have been using g-d-u for ages with success. I should
> also say I had some really good help from those guys when trying to sort
> out translations.
> Any comments from people with the same/other views and less/more
> knowledge than me about this aspect are really welcome!
> I hope none of my comments are based on "religious" preferences (god I
> hate that word) and that we can sort out the best and easiest build
> system for the next release.
> Matt
> --
> mdke at
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