Sec: Unclassified RE: Ubuntu Desktop Starter Guide Feedback
Stoffers, Robert LAC
Robert.Stoffers at
Wed Nov 30 00:10:13 UTC 2005
"First thing is that this doesn't actually have anything which explains
what the thing does.
Second thing is how it handles package management: it refers to the
universe and multiverse repos (which I believe are not necessary for
this particular package) and then specifies a specific piece of
software. How about referring people to the section on installing
packages (which has a number of different solutions for installing
packages: gai, synaptic, cli etc) and simple telling people what
repository the things are in (build-essential is in main)"
I just chucked build-essential in the "Programming" section whist I was getting the structure soughed out. Have a look at the multimedia section where I have done something similar to your suggestion, although I will probably re-write/reorganise most of that for clarity (I just kind of brain dumped on it). I also plan on expanding this section with information on how to compile programs, and links to beginner programming resources if the reader would like to know more about programming too.
Also, I uploaded a few major changes to the Package Management section yesterday. Gnome-app-install will be used to install packages where possible, then apt-get for everything without a .desktop file. I think this will be the simplest solution given the fact Ubuntu wants to promote GAI ahead of Synaptic. The plan from here is to change all the installation information throughout the document to reflect this change, one thing that will go is having the categories listed as its no longer needed.
"That would be great. I will start helping with the guide now; up til now
I've just done a fair amount of talking, and not enough helping, so I'll
start hacking and give you a hand!"
Awesome! Although I have appreciated your behind-the-scenes efforts so far, which have allowed me to get concentrate on getting the desktop guide to the point it is now.
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