Evaluate GAI vs Synaptic for Dapper

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Wed Nov 2 08:17:59 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-11-02 at 00:11 -0800, Daniel Robitaille wrote:

> > Also, the complaints I have seen regarding apt-get/aptitude/fast way of
> > installing things so far have been ridiculous. All the package names are
> > listed in the guide, if you choose to use apt-get or whatever you can do
> > so fairly easily

Not unless we tell them how to do it.

> in my mind  if you go the apt-get route  you are on your own from the
> official documentation  point of view.; you should know what you are
> doing if you resort to a command-line tool when there are multiple
> gui-based solutions easily available.  And being on your own, means

Disagree completely, for reasons expressed earlier in this thread. It's
not good enough, IMO, to say to people "you're on your own".

I've been looking on the forums a bit, and as I said the complaints
about the guide as it currently stands is that where it uses gui
methods, it does not provide people will the ability to choose between
methods. I think this is an important part of linux, and we all know
that apt-get is a quicker way of installing programs. I think to fail to
listen to the user base would be a fatal error. It's all very well
saying "people don't know what they want", but in my experience they do,
and where reasonable, we should do our best to provide them with it. In
this case, I think it can be done with a generic "installing programs"

mdke at ubuntu.com
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