Evaluate GAI vs Synaptic for Dapper

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at ubuntu.com
Wed Nov 2 08:11:17 UTC 2005

> IMO we need to stick with just using Synaptic and mention GAI and
> apt-get in the "how to install packages" chapter. Synaptic does
> everything, is a lot more mature and is graphical in nature. Until GAI
> implements a way to install packages other then just the ones it lists
> the app is rather redundant and useless compared to Synaptic.

It really depends what will be the push for Dapper and Dapper+1: go
all the way with GAI (plus some extra feature to install individual
packages for example), or continues with the status quo of synaptic
and GAI somewhat equally visible for the users.  Corey, what's the
discussion about this like at UBZ?  Were there any?  I couldn't find
anything in the published specs.

For the docs, you cannot stick to Synaptic everywhere if the distro
team is trying to go as far as possible from it.

> Also, the complaints I have seen regarding apt-get/aptitude/fast way of
> installing things so far have been ridiculous. All the package names are
> listed in the guide, if you choose to use apt-get or whatever you can do
> so fairly easily

in my mind  if you go the apt-get route  you are on your own from the
official documentation  point of view.; you should know what you are
doing if you resort to a command-line tool when there are multiple
gui-based solutions easily available.  And being on your own, means
being able to figure out by yourself which packages to install from
whatever info is in the docs designed for gai/synaptics.  I don't
think we should even mention apt-get in the official docs unless it is
the only the tool available for a specific task; which I suspect never
happens in Ubuntu.  (disclosure: I use apt-get most of the time for
application installs and distro upgrades :)  )


Daniel Robitaille

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