How to organise translated pages in a wiki?

Matthew east matthew.east.ubuntu at
Thu May 12 22:44:28 UTC 2005

> >... The French
> >project is particularly notable for having a unique design and content.
> >  
> >
> OK, and as Jane says it's important to keep in mind that the wiki is
> more than just documentation production. It has a whole life of its own
> that needs to be preserved. Are there pages on the French side that we
> should try to get translated to English?

Possibly! We could approach one of the more active French wiki
participants to ask which documents are original, and might be good to
get translated. It is definitely important: i once had a request from an
English user about an Italian hardware specific page which had no
English equivalent...

> >On the other hand the official documentation produced by the
> >documentation team is easier to translate, being relatively static when
> >frozen for a particular release. Our current approach is not for this
> >documentation to be translated on the wiki at all, but through Rosetta,
> >and inserted into svn as you rightly observe.
> >  
> >
> And is that working well for you ATM? What are you importing into
> Rosetta, DocBook files? (I'm all for encouraging the use of Rosetta for
> translation obviously)

We are trying to make it work: the nature of Rosetta as a very young
interface means that it is not free from problems. The process is
described here: .
As yet it has not been fully tested out, as no translations have yet
been completed.

> If we have a semi-frozen 'Publication wiki' with mature documents lifted
> from the open wiki, where would translations fit into that picture? We
> could maintain an English-only Doc tree in the open wiki, which then
> gets mirrored into the Publication wiki. That would then get exported to
> DocBook (through magic) and piped into Rosetta. Rosetta pumps
> translations back into SVN, which is used to build Yelp and web pages.
> The Rosetta injection would happen at some string-freeze time, like 1
> month before Breezy.
> Does that sound sensible? 

It sounds more than sensible, but I think you're right: some of the
stages would require a little magic. The first stage is to decide
whether the idea of a Publication wiki will be (a) desirable, and (b)
feasible [1] ;) If the answer to both is yes, then the magic making can


[1] as per the thread "A tale of two wikis"
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