wiki seperation

Corey Burger corey.burger at
Wed May 11 23:02:00 UTC 2005

Jdub mentioned that seperating wikis was a bad idea, and I agree.
However, we need a way so that disparate groups can see only the
changes to the portion of the wiki they are interested in .

Thus, basically, there are two parts to this, one technical, and one social

1. Develop/Find the technical infrastructure
*Each "watchlist" should watch a portion of the wiki. These should be
public, and probably have an rss feed attached to them. Possibly also
a mailing list and/or irc bot. Also, it would be nice if new things
added in a specific area would be auto added to this watchlist. IE,
new docs get added to the doc watchlists
2. Decide on how to draw the lines for the watchlist

Now, there would still be a wiki-wide watchlist, and people can still
edit everything, etc. This just makes it easier for MOTUs to follow
MOTU stuff and documenters to follow doc stuff, etc.


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