the wiki FrontPage discussion rolls on

Matthew east matthew.east.ubuntu at
Tue May 3 09:25:40 UTC 2005

> Is the ubuntucommunty different from the community tab on the top?
> That’s going to be confusing for newbies like myself.
> Also the support tab on top.  If I didn’t know the site and I wanted
> support I'd go there and not to the wiki.

I'll answer these two together: we can't do anything about this: the
tabs at the top refer to parts of the static Ubuntu website that we have
no control over, and which are not part of the wiki, hence the wiki
itself has a link. I understand your difficulty, but i think that the
fact that the wiki has a separate heading up there as well really does
make it fairly clear what the division is.

> ***this one i posted on the page, but here it is again.****
> UserDocuemtation implies software?  Not hardware?  aren't the docs on
> hardware also user docs?  perhaps user docs for software?  perhaps a
> better explanation?

IMO the articles in the HardwareSupport section are not documentation,
they are simply a record of which hardware Ubuntu supports, and which it
doesn't. However I do recognise that it isn't that simple, and that a
lot of documentation about (e.g.) how to make Ubuntu work on a
particular piece of hardware is found within that area. I don't really
know what the answer to this is. Thoughts?

thanks, Matt

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