the wiki FrontPage discussion rolls on

Morgan Tocker tocker at
Tue May 3 10:17:23 UTC 2005

I may have joined this conversation a little late, but I made a comment on
last night I wouldn't mind starting a discussion on.

newbie adoption. --Morgan Tocker, Mon, 02 May 2005 14:05:52 +0100

To quote DanielHolbach: > Most people would like to get involved,
since they have ideas and a bit of spare time, but not if the learning
curve is to steep or the "entrance ticket" seems unachievable.

I'm trying to get involved myself but being such a large project their
is no clear direction to a starting point. I'm sure many people would
be surprised how well they could help if some specific details could
be provided. Not saying Ubuntu should use it, but the format of is pretty straight forward. I had to
dig a few levels deep to find this page:

Perhaps could we discuss some semi-random content on the homepage, or
a How Can I Help link from the homepage that describes how someone
with XYZ skills is needed for ZYZ team (advertised similar to a job

I am sure some ground could be made to boost the adoption for new
comers to the project.

involvement --Matthew East, Tue, 03 May 2005 00:42:23 +0100

Yes I agree completely: i think that this page is an important one in
this respect: although it is off-wiki, it does in fact list basically
ALL the ways to get involved in the Ubuntu project. Perhaps it can be
ported to our wiki and kept up to date, amended to make it more user
friendly. However as it is I think it is already a good start, to be
linked in prominent parts of the wiki.

On 5/3/05, Matthew east <matthew.east.ubuntu at> wrote:
> > Is the ubuntucommunty different from the community tab on the top?
> > That's going to be confusing for newbies like myself.
> >
> > Also the support tab on top.  If I didn't know the site and I wanted
> > support I'd go there and not to the wiki.
> I'll answer these two together: we can't do anything about this: the
> tabs at the top refer to parts of the static Ubuntu website that we have
> no control over, and which are not part of the wiki, hence the wiki
> itself has a link. I understand your difficulty, but i think that the
> fact that the wiki has a separate heading up there as well really does
> make it fairly clear what the division is.
> > ***this one i posted on the page, but here it is again.****
> > UserDocuemtation implies software?  Not hardware?  aren't the docs on
> > hardware also user docs?  perhaps user docs for software?  perhaps a
> > better explanation?
> IMO the articles in the HardwareSupport section are not documentation,
> they are simply a record of which hardware Ubuntu supports, and which it
> doesn't. However I do recognise that it isn't that simple, and that a
> lot of documentation about (e.g.) how to make Ubuntu work on a
> particular piece of hardware is found within that area. I don't really
> know what the answer to this is. Thoughts?
> thanks, Matt
> --
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