the wiki FrontPage discussion rolls on

Bradley Coleman whorush at
Tue May 3 04:57:54 UTC 2005

ari, its never too late or too small.  no need to be bashful.

everyone else, so it seems there's agreement on this, which i think is
great.  therefore, perhaps we should shift our discussion more towards a
hierarchy of levels?

i have a few points on the page here...

Is the ubuntucommunty different from the community tab on the top?
That’s going to be confusing for newbies like myself.

Also the support tab on top.  If I didn’t know the site and I wanted
support I'd go there and not to the wiki.

***this one i posted on the page, but here it is again.****
UserDocuemtation implies software?  Not hardware?  aren't the docs on
hardware also user docs?  perhaps user docs for software?  perhaps a
better explanation?

On Tue, 2005-05-03 at 07:18 +0300, Ari Torhamo wrote:
> ti, 2005-05-03 kello 01:05 +0100, Matthew East kirjoitti:
> > attracted by the idea of a really simple minimalist frontpage, I've
> > edited the below page a bit to see if it might be able to provide a good
> > access point for the wiki. obviously, some work would need to be done to
> > make the second-level pages a bit more user friendly, but in my opinion
> > this sort of minimal thing is a good start towards the problems we've
> > been discussing on the list about entry access. Views?
> > 
> > In editing the page I've converted it to moin (which seemed a decent
> > idea if we're going to move to a moin wiki) and also incorporated many
> > of the helpful comments from a range of people on the page and on list.
> > 
> >
> Hi,
> Sorry for commenting just a small detail for now, but is there a reason
> to write the section names (or how should they be called) without spaces
> between the words. Names like TheUbuntuCommunity,  LowEndSystemSupport,
> etc. differ (unnecessarily?) from the way people normally write. Why not
> make people feel home every way we can :-)
> Regards,
> Ari

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