KUDOS Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ

Sean Wheller sean at inwords.co.za
Fri Jun 3 05:53:08 UTC 2005

On Thursday 02 June 2005 21:26, Abdullah Ramazanoglu wrote:
> Sean Wheller dedi ki:
> >
> > You have done great work on the KUDOS Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ. This work
> > has come to the attention of the K/Ubuntu Doc-team who would like
> > permission to port the document to Docbook XML and store it in the
> > official doc-team Subversion repository for everyone to colloborate on.
> > In doing so we would also like to ask your permission to relicense the
> > document under the terms of the doc-team license which is a dual license
> > comprised of GFDL and CC-BY-SA.
> >
> > We would also like you to obtain a commit account to svn so that you may
> > continue to collaborate on the documents development with the other team
> > members.
> >
> > We look forward to working with you and await your decision.
> >
> Thank you for the encouragement, the offer, and your kindness in asking for
> permission, where you didn't need to, as it's an open source document. Of
> course you have all my consent to adopt it into doc-team.
> As for the license, it's already GFDL[*] and dual copyrighted with Chua.
> Since Chua has already given his permission for CC-BY-SA, it's also OK for
> me.

Thank you very much for agreeing to this. we really appreciate your 
contribution. The body of you have done on Kubuntu is substantial and will be 
much appreciated by the community of Kubuntu users and the developer team.

> Basically I'm a sysadmin/consultant, not a documentation person. What I got
> in mind was (and is) covering the most urgent documentation needs for
> Kubuntu, and then implementing parts of it as a suite of GUI helper
> scripts, before Breezy. There are still some urgent topics need to be
> covered in the faq before I can start on the scripts. So it would be a
> relief for me if Kubuntu documentation is adopted and well maintained, so
> that I can focus on the script work.

I understand. we would be very interested in tracking your progress on the 
scripts. Hopefully when the book is ported, we will be able to maintain it 
with input from more people and give you more time to work on other things. 
However, we would very much like you to stay in touch with the book.

> As for my further contribution as part of the doc-team, this is the most
> difficult part for me. I can barely find time to update the kudos faq, so
> I'm afraid I won't be able to find enough time to learn and contribute in
> Doc-Book XML format.

Docbook is not as difficult as it first looks and once the book is ported you 
will have many examples to follow in the src. B'sides if you make mistakes we 
will understand and fix them for you. So please consider at least getting a 
commit account.

> Another concern for me is that I want to devote all my efforts for Kubuntu,
> but Canonical devote their resources for Ubuntu. I'm not sure whether it
> might lead to priority incompatibilities in the future, between me and the
> doc-team.

I don't see a problem there. Myself and a few others are working on both 
Ubuntu and Kubuntu documents. We have set targets for each distro.

I think that once you see the document in svn and see how easy it actually is 
to maintain that you will have time to contribute. We don't expect volumes of 
work. Small gifts here and there will be ample. Of course we never so no to 
volumes either, but the choice is yours.

> So, for a while, I would like to go in dual-fork fashion, collecting the
> spread-over documentation and distilling them for Kubuntu. I plan to start
> releasing change logs so you can, in turn, easily collect additions from
> my version.

OK this is fine. It would hover be better if you could commit your changes in 
svn. The doc-team has lots of work, tracking document changes is a big 
overhead to us and reduces how much time we can spend doing other work.

> Concluding, you are free to do anything with the kudos faq, but depending
> on several factors, I guess I'd abstain for the time being. Thank you very
> much for the offer all the same. In the future I may learn Doc-Book XML,
> abandon my own version and start contributing to doc-team, or I may
> completely abandon documentation work and devote all my spare time for the
> GUI scripts. I don't know as of now.

We hope not. We hope you will consider joining us in the team and getting a 
commit account. I think you will find working in community mode far less time 
consuming since there will be more hands to help you.

> [*] I had changed the original GPL of Ubuntu Guide to GFDL, without asking
> permission from Chua, supposing that GFDL is the documentation version of
> GPL so it's the same, even more appropriate for a document. However I
> might have been thinking wishfully, so its GFDL status is not very clear
> in the first place.

You are correct. GFDL is the documentation license, but GFDL and GPL are 
actually incompatible licenses. We will be changing this in svn and just to 
make sure I have cc'd Chua. So that he is aware of this. Eventhough he is on 
this list, it would be good to let him know we are doing this.

Once again, thank you for your generous contribution. We hope to enjoy your 
ongoing support in the future.

Warm regards,

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at inwords.co.za
Registered Linux User #375355
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