[long] Canonical are you serious?

Sean Wheller sean at inwords.co.za
Mon Jan 24 16:35:56 UTC 2005

On Monday 24 January 2005 17:32, Enrico Zini wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 10:37:45AM +0200, Sean Wheller wrote:
> > Now GNOME docs are not in SVN, but in CVS. Furthermore, the docs are
> > stored with each app, usually under the directory appname/C/help/ . This
> > means a vendor drop is not just one checkout, but many. Unless you want
> > to bring the app src code into your repository too. In this case we don't
> > need that so we just want the appname/C/help/ from each app in GNOME CVS.
> > I have automated this and updates using scripts.
> One more note before I start packing my things for moving back to Italy:
> we may have further problems with working with application-specific
> documentation.
> It occurred to me just now that app-specific documentation may already
> be part of the arch import the devels work on.

Good point. If the devels have a mirror of GNOME, which I expect they do, then 
the answer is yes.

> In that case, our 
> patches may clash with patches the devels are doing, and it may be wiser
> to work with that arch repository or sending patches to the devels
> instead of doing another branch ourselves.

In fact I was always puzzled why we don't work in the same place as the devel, 
but just took it that, that's the way it is.

> If that is true (I can't check it atm, but mdz, mako or others please
> confirm on this), we don't need symlinks and we would just need to work
> with a vendor drop of the Gnome User's Guide
> (http://www.gnome.org/learn/users-guide/2.6/) which wouldn't need
> symlinks, so we could do with any version of subversion and be all
> happy.

Sure, we would be working in arch. 

So there are two things here. Just to be clear:
1. GNOME Users Guide is only about the Desktop (Currently 2.8).

2. App specific documents.

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at inwords.co.za
Registered Linux User #375355
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