[long] Canonical are you serious?

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 25 01:06:49 UTC 2005

On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 06:35:56PM +0200, Sean Wheller wrote:

> On Monday 24 January 2005 17:32, Enrico Zini wrote:
> > One more note before I start packing my things for moving back to Italy:
> > we may have further problems with working with application-specific
> > documentation.
> >
> > It occurred to me just now that app-specific documentation may already
> > be part of the arch import the devels work on.
> Good point. If the devels have a mirror of GNOME, which I expect they do, then 
> the answer is yes.

No, we do not (yet).

> > In that case, our patches may clash with patches the devels are doing,
> > and it may be wiser to work with that arch repository or sending patches
> > to the devels instead of doing another branch ourselves.
> In fact I was always puzzled why we don't work in the same place as the
> devel, but just took it that, that's the way it is.

Meanwhile, I am equally puzzled why you want to work in an entirely
different way than the developers. :-)

If the documentation that you are working on is already included in packages
in Ubuntu, we would be glad to accept patches from you.  Where it is not
already packaged (such as for documents that you create from scratch), it
will need to be packaged anyway (I assume you have at least one person on
the team who can do this), and can be handled through the same processes.

Arch will come, and it will make our lives much easier when it does, but it
just isn't ready yet.

 - mdz

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