Message to everyone

John Hornbeck hornbeck at
Sun Jan 2 21:48:31 UTC 2005

	I write this because there are some things bothering me.  I have been 
with Ubuntu since the first Preview release of Warty which is not that 
long, but as long or longer than most on the doc team.  Now there has 
always been arguments and there will always be arguments, but it seems 
that they keep getting worse and that less and less work is getting 
done.  Now I know that almost everyone of us is doing this because we 
love Ubuntu and want to help, and that we do it in what little spare 
time we have.  If we are going to create professional docs for a 
release that is only a few months away the fighting has to stop.  I 
know that I have not done much lately and that will more than likely be 
used against me, but those reasons follow.

	I would like to let everyone know why I have not been around much.  
When I started helping, I worked about 20 hours a week, and that was 
it.  I have always had kids and a wife but when you only work 20 hours, 
there is alot more time for them and other things.  Since November I 
have been working 40-50 hours a week at a new job,  I also still have 
to manage the kids and wife.  Starting tomorrow I go back to school 
with a full time schedule.  I am not sure how much, if any at all I 
will be able to do for Ubuntu, and would like to not be relied upon for 
sections of docs that will need to be ready.  I did not relize that my 
time would be cut this thin but I have to do what is best for my 
family.  I will keep up the SVN server until it is moved but after that 
I would like someone to take it over when it is on the Cananical 
servers.  Please email any questions about any of this to me or the 
list if you think others should see it.


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