Lighten a bit the docteam procedures?

Enrico Zini enrico at
Sat Feb 12 09:01:01 UTC 2005


While reading through the DocumentationTeam pages, I notice that the
procedures we advertise put working with docbook as the most important
part, leaving other ways of contributing as a kind of second-class,
poor-man things.

I propose we change that by saying that one can contribute by just
posting to the list, where we can take care of integrating what's posted
into the DocBook documents in the repository.  Of course, once someone
gets the hang of it and feels like, they can start having a look at the
DocBook itself, post patches, get commit access.

This would greatly lower the barriers for newcomers.  I'm changing
DocteamGettingStarted to reflect that, if you don't like let me know and
I'll revert the page.



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at>
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