Recent changes to Ubuntu

Corey Burger corey.burger at
Thu Apr 7 22:58:53 UTC 2005

On Apr 7, 2005 3:52 PM, Mary Gardiner <mary-sounder at> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 07, 2005, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 08:33:55AM +0100, matthew.east at
> > wrote:
> > > That sounds like a good idea. I suppose the most important thing for
> > > us is being informed about changes which affect our work. The last
> > > minute changes are an example of this. Other examples are, as Mary
> > > said, when the wiki is rolled back
> >
> > The wiki being rolled back was completely unintentional, an error.
> > The best that could have been done was to communicate it after the
> > fact; Henrik didn't contact the -doc list initially, but the message
> > reached you nonetheless fairly quickly.
> I don't think Matthew thought otherwise: I was the one who raised the
> issue of the wiki in connection with this, and *I* don't think
> otherwise.
> It is obviously the case though that we'd like to know about
> documentation data loss, and anything having a similar impact (I can
> think of a few examples: svn access being down, long maintainence
> windows for the website) as soon as possible. In the case of the wiki
> the result was several confused mails to this list: I agree that that's
> no big concern since the matter was cleared up within the day, but why
> not improve where we can?
> The proposed solution is to have the doc team make an effort to follow
> development/admin news via a stronger presence on the devel list and
> hopefully a (non-member) presence at the technical board meetings. If
> this was already happening we probably would have found out about the
> wiki rollback a bit sooner. This doesn't imply criticism of existing
> procedure above "it's not perfect, we see a way to improve it, let's do
> it."
> -Mary
> --
> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at

As a point of interest, I already follow the devel list, and there wasn't 
much about the recent wiki stuff on there either. Traffic is pretty low so I 
wouldn't worry about subscribing and being deluged.

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