Recent changes to Ubuntu

matthew.east at matthew.east at
Thu Apr 7 06:28:18 UTC 2005

> If noone else wants to then i can do it... I also think we should not
> hit them right now, as they are all flat out, and we don't want our
> cries to be missed or ignored :)

Just got up to read these emails. I support the idea fully. However I would 
point out that not all last minute changes are necessarily implemented by 
the development team as a whole. In terms of the artwork, I presume it was 
just when it happened to be ready. In terms of the nautilus change, it seems 
to have been a unilateral decision ;) 

But it is a good idea IMO both to make a statement and also to get in on the 
loop via a representative if poss. Is ANYONE on the docteam going to be in 
UBU? enrico? If so maybe that is a good time to bring it up. If not, then 
perhaps before so that it can be discussed there. 

x M 

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