Creating consensus regarding page types in wiki

Enrico Zini enrico at
Thu Oct 28 12:41:38 UTC 2004

On Thu, Oct 28, 2004 at 01:15:21PM +0100, Ben Edwards wrote:

> The idea is that when we have goatherd this information we will be
> better able to make informed decisions. I have seen this technique
> used very successfully before.

I've read the page and I don't have much to add.

By reading it, I start considering the option of using more than one
format, like Moin from scrapping down random contents, then if the work
becomes something consistent we can reStructure it, then it could even
move into Docbook in an Arch or Subversion repository if it develops
into a project with a team.

A way of having different formattings without getting crazy is to define
different classes[1] of documentation, and then specify what happens in
each class, including what formatting is used.

When a piece of information changes "class", it can get reformatted by
hand (as it would probably happen anyway because of refactoring).



[1] or stages if we want to encourage a path of moving from one format
to another (which I'm not that sure we may want).
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